Notification of Number Dialed/Received
This feature will notify you via email when a specific number calls your business or is dialed from your business.
Application: If you are not trying to block a number from either being dialed or received but instead, want to know when and to whom a particular number is either dialed or called in, this feature is for you. For example, if you - as the owner - suspect that the competition may attempt to recruit your top producers, and you know where the call is likely to come from, this feature will email you with the time, date, Caller ID, call duration and end point (i.e. extension number) of that call. The same applies for calls made out bound to that number. All telephone systems can track calls but instead of you having to go through each and every call record manually, this will notify you in real time.
We are constantly updating our hosted VoIP system and specialize in writing code for unique needs. If you like this feature or have another application you would like us to look at, please contact me.